tirsdag 16. april 2019

Day 5 - Finishing the project on cultural heritage

This will be the last blogpost from Poznán. With a large variety of activities, both during the day and the evening, time has gone by very quickly.

The students presented their brochures on different aspects regarding cultural heritage from each region: traditional music & dance, traditional customs, dialects and crafts. To finalize the project, each group presented their topic including an idea of how to preserve and promote the cultural heritage. All four groups had very innovative and interesting ideas on how to do so!

The Norwegian students and teachers would like to thank the Poznán-team for all their efforts that made this week a great success!

fredag 12. april 2019

Day 4 - Visit to croissant museum and retro tram tour

Poznán is famous for its delicious croissants - the St. Martin croissants. According to the legend, a young baker from Poznán was inspired by St. Martin and wanted to help the poor. The solution he came up with, was to bake croissants and donate to the deprived. The croissant, "rogale", is a product with Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) recognised by the EU, and is of course an important part of the Poznanian heritage. 

The students were invited to participate in the baking prosess. Maham Zahra Mohammad did a splendid job preparing the dough! 

After lunch, a guided tour around Poznán was organised for us. We travelled in a 50 year old tram from the Communist era. While driving around the city, the guide pointed out important buildings and gave us the historic backdrop.

The students learned about the rationing system when Poland was Communist. We passed the building where the population of Poznán had to queue up to get their food rations until 1988/89. 

On one of the stops, a hooligan from the local football team got on the tram and taught us the chants of the local team "Lech". Like in many towns around the world, the football team is an important part of the Poznanian identity.

Stina Hinnerichsen had a go testing her tram driving skills.

torsdag 11. april 2019

Day 3 - Visit to Radio Poznán

After a productive morning working on the group project, it was time for a visit to Radio Poznán. 

The students were introduced to the history of the radio station, which had its first broadcast already in 1927. Since Radio Poznán is a public radio station, promoting local heritage is part of their mission.

 The red lamp tells us that a program is being recorded, and that they must not be disturbed.

We were allowed to observe the recording of a program.

One of our students, Ask Vorkinn, was one of the lucky students who were interviewed by Radio Poznán regarding the Erasmus+ project on cultural heritage. We think he did an excellent job!

tirsdag 9. april 2019

Day 2 - Elaboration on the topic and visit to cultural centre

To start off the day, we were given a lecture on preservation of cultural heritage. The students were angaged in discussions on wheather it is always best to restore cultural heritage sites, or if it can also mean damaging material of great historic and cultural value.

The international groups made mind maps of associations to the word "heritage".

Later on we went to Zamek Culture Centre - an important and vibrant cultural nave in the city of Poznan with over 700 events annually. It is located in a castle built at the beginning of the 20th Century as a residence for Kaiser Wilhelm II. At the moment, a huge restauration project is going on, putting the rooms back to the style from the II World War, when the SS occupied the building.

After lunch the students continued to work on their project in the international groups. Each group has to make a brochure by the end of the week, presenting local traditions and customs from each country, but also coming up with ideas how to promote these traditions to a young audience.

The teachers in Poland are currently on strike fighting for a better school system for students and teachers.

Greetings from Poznán!

We arrived on Sunday to this beautiful city where spring has definitely arrived. Students from Norway, Poland, Spain and Netherlands are gathered here for an Erasmus+ -project where they will explore the topic of cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is in fact a lot more than just old buildings and disappointing ruins.

First day of school: The students are introduced to each other.

The norwegian students are ready for an exciting week!

The students got a taste of university-life with a lecture at Poznán University on cultural heritage and UNESCO World Heritage. 

Each country presented an example of a tangible cultural heritage from their region. The Norwegian students presented the mines at Spro. 

The first day ended with an international party where each country contributed with traditional sweets. The Youth Folk Dance Ensemble performed traditional dances for us, and the students were encouraged to participate. The teachers were very impressed with their enthusiasm!

The students ended the evening exploring the city and playing snooker/pool with the their hosts.

Erasmus + student visit to Poznan 7th April - 13th April 2019

Our partner school